Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Rare Plant Identification Training

Good day to you! The Florida Natural Areas Inventory (FNAI), under contract with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, has been tasked with the opportunity to provide one-day rare plant trainings in two of the eight FWC regions for FWC Regional Biologists, contractors, and local CISMA members. 

These trainings will be classroom-style events with multi-media sources with portions of open discussion.  The intent is to educate attendees on identifying rare plants and the habitats in which they occur so that they will not be affected by invasive plant treatments. FNAI is committed to providing the most comprehensive training as possible, and would greatly appreciate your assistance in this endeavor. You are receiving this message because of your experiences with native plants and the impacts invasive exotic species can have on them.

We are in the process of compiling a listing of candidate species to  include in these presentations and would like to focus the audience’s attention on rare native  species that resemble invasive plants species routinely targeted for control efforts. While we are aware of a several instances where native species have been mistaken for exotic species and inadvertently damaged or killed as a result, we are interested to know of any species you might be aware of that fit this criteria so we can include these plants in our training sessions.

Please share this message with other individuals who may have information that could ultimately benefit this effort.
It is our goal to conduct these training sessions during the upcoming winter months in an effort to maximize attendance at these sessions. Your timely  response will be most appreciated and will hopefully enhance the quality of invasive plant management efforts on our public conservation lands.

Thank you.
Gregory Jubinsky

Invasive Plant Field Research Scientist

Florida Natural Areas Inventory

1018 Thomasville Road, Suite 200-C

Tallahassee, FL 32303

Office (850) 224-8207

Cell (850)766-5235
