Monday, August 31, 2015

A reminder to confirm ID of new sightings

A few weeks ago a newspaper in WV reported that giant hogweed had been found in the northern panhandle of WV.  However, upon further investigation, it was determined that the plant in question was in fact white-flowered leafcup, which has similar vegetation but is not related.    

This just serves as a good reminder to us all (myself included!) to confirm new sightings with a professional ID before doing anything else.

And hooray!  We don’t (yet) have giant hogweed in WV!


Forest Service Shield
Whitney Bailey
Forest Ecologist
Forest Service
Monongahela National Forest
p: 304-636-1800 x280
200 Sycamore St.
Elkins, WV 26241
USDA LogoForest Service TwitterUSDA Facebook
Caring for the land and serving people

Wood-borers in Wood Packaging: How Did We Get to This Crisis?

Monday, August 24, 2015

Alaska Invasive species workshop registratioon

Registration is now available for the Alaska Invasive Species Workshop.

Early registration is available till October 16th.  Visit our workshop page <> to register.



Gino Graziano

Invasive Plants Instructor

UAF Cooperative Extension Service



AISC-L mailing list

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rise of Citizen Scientists

A brief article discussing citizen science- with some interesting comments below.


Tammy Davis  /  Invasive Species Program Coordinator ADF&G /P.O. Box 115526 / Juneau, AK 99811-5526

P: (907) 465-6183 / C: (907) 209-2492


Be part of the solution... Report Invasive Species: 1-877-INVASIV

*Alaska Invasive Species Workshop*

Call for Speakers
Alaska Invasive Species Workshop

“Invaders in our backyard”

October 27th-29th, 2015
Juneau, Alaska – Elizabeth Peratrovich Hall

The Alaska Committee for Noxious and Invasive Plant Management (CNIPM) and the Alaska Invasive Species Working Group (AISWG) are proud to announce the upcoming Alaska Invasive Species Conference in Juneau. This is a call for speakers at the 2015 conference. The theme, “Invaders in our backyard,”

represents the lurking threats from invasive species across Alaska-both new and on-going efforts included. If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please submit an abstract following the guidelines listed below.

*Presentation Abstract Guidelines:* Please submit abstracts by September 30th, 2015. Email abstracts as a Word document to Gino Graziano at An example is included to refer to when preparing your abstract.

Please follow these instructions to prepare your abstract:

·         No more than 300 words
·         Use Times New Roman, 12 point font
·         First line: Title in bold font
·         Second line: List primary author *last name first*, then other
·         Third Line: Affiliation below author line
·         Leave  a space between the title, authors, affiliation, and
abstract body
·         Single space abstract body
·         Spell check and proofread carefully (we will not be editing the

After reviewing abstracts we will contact speakers that make the final agenda by October 9th.  If you have any questions please contact Gino Graziano, 907-786-6315 or Heather Stewart at, 907-745-8721. Thank you! We look forward to seeing you in Juneau.

*Abstract Example:*

Purple Loosestrife in Alaska: An Action Framework for Potential Invasion

Bella, Elizabeth M.1, Boldenow, Megan L.2
1 HDR Alaska Inc., 2525 C Street, Anchorage, AK 95616,

2HDR Alaska Inc., 714 4th Avenue, Suite 302A, Fairbanks, AK 99701,

Purple loosestrife is a significant threat to the health of Alaska ecosystems, particularly wetlands, riparian zones, and coastal regions.

Infestations can negatively affect fish and wildlife populations in Alaska, especially salmon and waterfowl. If left untreated, purple loosestrife has the potential to spread to thousands of acres across the state, causing potentially irreversible damage to critically productive areas of Alaskan wildlands. We discuss the key findings from two recent projects to outline an action framework for preventing potential purple loosestrife infestations in Alaska. We analyzed distribution of three years of individual plant occurrence data in the only known state population in Anchorage to determine whether current hand-pulling methods are effective.

Although a decline was observed, unusual climate conditions and flooding for restoration activity purposes in 2008 may have been contributing factors. We investigated the history of invasions in North America, as well as species life history, to determine the best control options for the local infestation. We used predictive bioclimatic habitat modeling to map current climate potential range, as well as future climate potential range in 2020, 2050, and 2080, to quantify the area across the state at risk of invasion. Our main finding is that eradication of current populations, future prevention, and an early detection-rapid response (EDRR) system, will be the key to keeping purple loosestrife from establishing in other locations or spreading further in its current location. We also discuss our recommended public education framework strategy to effectively reach the public and other stakeholders to spread the message of the potentially devastating effects of purple loosestrife infestation in Alaska.

*Heather Stewart*
Natural Resource Specialist III
State of Alaska Division of Agriculture


North American Invasive Species Management Association Conference

From: Aaron Foster
Organization: Fremont County Weed and Pest
Reply-To: ""
Date: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 10:26 AM
To: Aaron Foster
Subject: North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA)

Dear All:

As President of the North American Invasive Species Management Association (NAISMA), I would like to personally invite you to attend our 2015 Conference.  As a NAISMA stakeholder, either directly or indirectly, your feedback and support is very important to us as we work towards our mission to promote and empower invasive species management in North America. 

The 2015 NAISMA Conference will be held October 19-22 at the Coast Plaza Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia. We have a strong schedule which touches issues affecting all invasive species managers, breakouts focused on biological control, prevention & management, and invasive species marketing and outreach. Attendees will have an opportunity to witness, first-hand, the challenges for managers in the Pacific Northwest and within a larger metropolitan area during our field tour. On Thursday, there will be a special North American Bio Control Consortia Summit where researchers from CABI Switzerland will be giving their updates on new bio agent development projects which may provide some new biological control agents for new North American weeds.

For details about NAISMA and the upcoming conference, please visit  There you will have access to the agenda and other information about the association. If you have questions please contact Phil Banks our Executive Director or myself.

Please share this message with anyone who may be interesting.

I hope to see you there!


Aaron Foster

NAISMA President

Monday, August 17, 2015

Non-chemical kudzu control

Please check out for non-chemical kudzu control!





Johnny Randall, Ph.D.

Director of Conservation Programs

North Carolina Botanical Garden

CB 3375

UNC-Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill NC 27599

Office – 919-962-2380

Cell – 919-923-0100

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Alaska Weeds identification and reporting app available

The IOS version of the Alaska Weeds Identification mobile application is available for free in the Apple store for IOS devices. We will have the Android version out in the near future. The application will assist users in the identification of selected weeds, reporting the location of priority weeds, and requesting assistance from the Cooperative Extension Service in identifying plants that are suspected to be weeds.  When you use the app, please provide us feedback, found in the “More Options” section.

The phone application was developed by University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cooperative Extension Service, and the University of Georgia, Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. The Western Alaska Landscape Conservation Cooperative Supported the creation of the Alaska Weeds App utilizing funding from the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Gino Graziano

Invasive Plants Instructor

UAF Cooperative Extension Service



AISC-L mailing list

APHIS Aquarium & Pond Plants of the World website

Visit the newly updated APHIS Aquarium & Pond Plants of the World website to help identify aquatic plants you may find when you’re out and about. This is a great resource online!


Aquarium & Pond Plants of the World, Edition 2.1 If you have ever needed a reliable source for identifying an invasive aquatic species, you might have waded through the USDA APHIS ITP’s “Aquarium& Pond Plants of the World<>” (APPW). Edition 2.1 was released yesterday. The USDA APHIS ITP announcement states APPW still has “fact sheets, images, an illustrated glossary, and an interactive key to support the identification process for over 140 genera of plant and plant-like organisms grown and used in the aquarium and pond plant trade”. The resource has been updated with a new design and increased user capabilities. The tool is now responsive for use across multiple platforms including smartphones and tablets.


 Screen capture from APPW’s new home page.
APPW can be used to identify invasive species as it includes genera listed on the Federal Noxious Weed List. According to APPW, “As part of its effort to prevent the introduction of invasive or potentially invasive weeds, the USDA maintains an official list of ‘federal noxious weeds’ (FNW) (7 CFR 360.200 and 361.6).”

Spotted knapweed in the east

I am working on adding spotted knapweed to the list of invasive plants in the Mid-Atlantic that have biocontrol insects available for release, but the vast majority of published work deals with infestations in western rangelands. The implication seems to be that it rarely becomes invasive in the east, but maybe that is changing.
Does anyone know of (1) infestations of knapweed in particular habitats in the east or (2) any states in the eastern US that have released biocontrol insects targeting this species?




Judy Hough-Goldstein, Professor

Dept. Entomology & Wildlife Ecology

University of Delaware, Newark DE 19716

Phone: (302) 831-2529


Program posted for 2015 Cal-IPC Symposium!

Symposium Links:

Symposium Overview:

Wed., Oct. 28

1. Strategic Approaches for
  Wildland Weed Management -
  A team of long-time land
  managers provide guidance on
  program design.

  2. Calflora's Weed Manager -
  Calflora staff provide a training
  on using Observer Pro and
  associated online features to
  map and track your weed work.

  Evening session:
  DPR Laws & Regulations for
  Herbicide Applicators - applying
  for 2 units L&R.

Thu./Fri., Oct. 29-30
  Papers, Posters, Exhibitors,    
Groups, Awards,
  Photo Contest, Student
  Contests, Social Hour, Raffle,
  Student Networking Lunch,
  Panel Sessions, and more... a special conference on   
  "Habitat Conservation Planning
  and Invasive Plant
  Management" time to explore food
  and  goings-on in the
  happening Gaslamp Quarter.
Sat., Oct. 31

   Field trips
  Get out into the most
  biologically diverse county
the nation and see some
great weed work!
  1. Unmanned Aerial
Demonstration for
  Mapping Weeds

  2. Rancho Jamul Ecological
  Reserve and South Crest

  3. Cleveland National Forest
Do you ❤ CSS*? Like the feel of a weed wrench in your hands? Get reinvigorated by meeting smart and committed land stewards from around the state?
Register now to join us for the 2015 Symposium in San Diego's historic and lively Gaslamp Quarter! Come catch up with your fellow land managers, researchers, planners and volunteers! We'll be exploring the latest information on invasive plant biology, management, mapping, policy -- from drones to phones, landscape-level strategy to soil microbial change, it's all at the Symposium.

Our Preliminary Program is posted, with speakers, panels, posters, discussion groups, field trips, trainings and more. Early-bird registration rates end in September. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!

*coastal sage scrub
We're holding a special parallel conference on Oct. 29, the first day of the Symposium, exploring how HCP/NCCPs will effectively protect biodiversity from invasive plants in the future (see the Preliminary Program). Overlapping sessions between the events provide an excellent opportunity for cross-fertilization between land managers and habitat planners.  Register Now for this special one-day conference to help chart the future of regional habitat protection! (No need to register if you're already attending the Symposium.)

Giant Hogweed in West Virginia

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Chokecherry fungal infection

Extension received a report of a chokecherry fungal infection in the Homer area, that has also been observed in the Anchorage area in previous years.

The infection causes elongated fruits that are stoneless. We would like to figure out where else these symptoms have been observed.  In order to properly identify it we need to locate trees to visit early next season before the infected plants are overrun with additional fungi. Please visit our webpage <>

to learn how to report an observation of this fungal infection, and observations of healthy trees.





Gino Graziano

Invasive Plants Instructor

UAF Cooperative Extension Service



AISC-L mailing list

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

USFWS Guidelines for Coordination on INRMPs & DoD Guidelines for Streamlined INRMP Updates

 Apologies for cross postings, but below are links to recently completed INRMP guidelines from USFWS and DoD:


* The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Guidelines for Coordination on Integrated Natural Resource Management Plans (June 2015):


* The Mutual Department of Defense & U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Guidelines for Streamlined Review of Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan Updates (July 2015):


These documents and other natural resources policy, guidance, tools, fact sheets, newsletters, and more are available at

The North American Invasive Species Management Association Conference

The North American Invasive Species Management Association Conference is this October 19-22 in Vancouver British Columbia.

New blogs focus on sudden oak death/P. ramorum

New blogs focus on sudden oak death/P. ramorum
An ounce of prevention policy is worth........
a pound of invasive species management
posted at

Please check out & let your colleagues know!


Aerial Control of Bush Honeysuckle: Research and Implementation in Missouri and Illinois

The National Association of Invasive Plant Councils (NAIPC) presents a free invasive plant webinar:

Aerial Control of Bush Honeysuckle: Research and Implementation in Missouri and Illinois.
August 13, 2015 3pm EDT.
Andrew DiAllesandro (United States Fish and Wildlife Service)
Bob Caveny (Illinois Department of Natural Resources)
Mike Leahy (Missouri Department of Conservation)

In the Midwest, bush honeysuckle severely impacts natural communities and native species, but control of bush honeysuckle and other exotic shrubs is often difficult and very costly.  The use of aerial applications for managing dense stands provides an option that can be inexpensive and effective.  The Missouri Department of Conservation, Illinois Department of Natural Resources, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service have been investigating this technique, including its effectiveness and the response from the native community.  This webinar will discuss traditional management techniques for bush honeysuckle, ongoing research and implementation of aerial applications, and future directions.

Aerial control of Bush Honeysuckle: Research and Implementation in Missouri and Illinois
Join us for a webinar on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:00 PM EDT.
Register now!
Andrew DiAllesandro (United States Fish and Wildlife Service)
Bob Caveny (Illinois Department of Natural Resources)
Mike Leahy (Missouri Department of Conservation)
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.