Thursday, June 11, 2015

Oregon Invasive Species Council’s Statewide “Don't Let it Loose” High School Media Design Contest

On behalf of the Oregon Invasive Species Council (OISC) Education Outreach Committee, it is my great pleasure to announce the winners of the Oregon Invasive Species Council’s Statewide “Don't Let it Loose”  High School Media Design Contest.

We received an impressive 46 entries from schools all over Oregon. All of the student work was commendable, and we thank our panel of 26 judges including members of the Council, Oregon’s House of Representatives, Agency Directors and various national experts for their diligent work reviewing the contest entries and sharing their expertise in scoring the art.

The art work was judged based on the following criteria: “Don't Let It Loose” Message, Visual Effectiveness, Universal Appeal, and Originality. Based on these criteria, the judges selected the following 10 poster winners and 5 multimedia winners.  Congratulations to these talented students:

Best Poster:

1st Place: Edwin Leung, Sabin-Schellenberg Professional Technical Center, Portland

2nd Place: McKensi Payne, The Northwest Academy, Portland

3rd Place: Ethan Chappelear, Clackamas High School, Portland

Honorable Mentions: Zoe Clegg, Clackamas High School. Cody Woods, Sabin-Schellenburg. Katie Storment, Rex Putnam High School, Jenaya Stevenson, Sabin-Schellenburg, Claire Novick, The Northwest Academy, Chase Anderson, Milwaukee High School, Jinal Patel, Clackamas High School.


Best Multimedia:

1st Place: Sanjana Potnis, The Northwest Academy, Portland

2nd Place: Karissa Thomas and Kaitlyn Dibbler, collaborative project, North Bend High School

3rd Place: Katie Holcombe and Erin Bjorkland, tied for third place, St. Mary's Academy

Honorable Mention: Justus Humble, Lebanon High School


We have set up a Google drive folder where you can enjoy the colorful, creative, and effective projects. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing the folder.


An awards and recognition ceremony will be held for the winning students and teachers. It will be on June 25th from 5:30-7:30pm at the Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry in downtown Salem  (626 High St. NE, . We hope you will consider attending to recognize these students and their teachers, celebrate their work, and catapult them toward future leadership on invasive species issues.  Please RSVP to Leslie Shaffer by June 18,; Tel.: 503-986-4660 .


In addition, members of the Oregon Legislature will be in attendance to help present and recognize the excellent work of students and their teachers. Members of the House of Representatives have extended an invitation to students, teachers and parents to visit the State Capital to observe a session of the House floor from the gallery.

We sincerely thank all of you for your time, expertise, and support to help make this media contest a success.




OISC Education Committee Task Group Members: Sam Chan, Tania Siemens, Kayla Martin, Leslie Shaffer, and Thea Hayes


Tania Siemens
Watershed and Invasive Species Education (WISE) Program
Oregon Sea Grant
Oregon State University
cell: 541-914-0701 email: