Friday, May 22, 2015

Cedar Key and Lake City Invasive Plant ID Workshops

Please see the information below about two Invasive Plant ID Workshops – one in Cedar Key (Levy County) on Thursday, June 18th and one in Lake City (Columbia County) on Friday, June 19th.  The workshops are free will be presented by Dr. Colette Jacono. They are sponsored by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (  
NCF CISMA  Members  
Think Locally, Act Neighborly
Greetings all,
It is my pleasure to announce four upcoming invasive plant identification workshops being held within the boundaries of the North Central Florida CISMA. The Free Training Sessions "Unity through Training" are being sponsored by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council (FLEPPC) through a Kathy Craddock Burks Education Grant. Please see the flyer for information on the upcoming NCF CISMA Workshops.
Many thanks to Colette Jacono for all her help in organizing and teaching these events.
I look forward to working with you all in the near future.
Have a wonderful day!
FISP Outreach Coordinator,
Rose Godfrey

Monthly Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) Online Meeting

Monthly Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area (CISMA) Online Meeting
hosted by Florida Invasive Species Partnership (FISP)
Participation is voluntary, we promise it will only last 1 hour, and we can guarantee that you will enjoy the conversations

 Wednesday, May 27th at 1:30pm EST –

  • News you can use: Central Florida Lygodium Strategy - Cheryl Millett
  • CISMA Update: Osceola County CISMA - Cody Marie Miller
  • Shout Outs: FISP summer meeting; New website;

I want to thank all of last month's participants that made the call a success. We had at least 20 participants from at least 7 CISMAs and a couple of FISPers. Special thanks to Angie Huebner for her presentation on the North Central Florida CISMA. I also want to thank all Linda King for her presentation on the FWC  Invasive Plant Mangament Sector Strike Team. Chuck Bargeron was kind enough to give us an update on the inner workings of EDDMapS. Many thanks to him as well. In addition to continuing our improved call agenda of:

  • Longer Technical Presentations!
  • One CISMA Update per call
  • Shout outs for upcoming or recently completed events
  • We will be using a new PowerPoint theme to match our fabulous new logo (thanks again Sarah Jean Swain!).
  • recording all things audio and visual for posterity to be posted on the FISP Youtube page for all to enjoy. 

I hope everyone is enjoying themselves despite the sweltering weather. This month we will have an update on the Central Florida Lygodium Strategy from Cheryl Millett. We also have an Osceola County CISMA update from Cody-Marie Miller. We will also discuss the new FISP website that will be going live very soon! Have a great weekend everyone and I hope to 'see' everyone on next week's call!


CISMA Monthly Calls: If you would like to see any past calls, please check them out on the FISP website here
CISMA Listserv: Here is the link to the CISMA listerv if you want to join.
FISP List: Coming Soon! If you want to make sure you don't miss any of my FISP updates you can join the FISP list.

Note:  It is best to log on to WebEx and follow the prompts to call in. 
For information on how to join this WebEx or Teleconference see below:
Meeting information 
Topic: Florida CISMA Monthly Call 
Date: The 4th Wednesday of every 1 months, from Wednesday, August 22, 2012 to no end date
Time: 1:30 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)
Meeting Number: 824 138 461 
Meeting Password: Invasive2! 

To start or join the online meeting
Go to

Teleconference information 
Call-in toll-free number: 1-866-385-9623  (US)
Call-in number: 1-443-863-6602  (US)
Show global numbers:
Conference Code: 751 091 0623 

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This WebEx service includes a feature that allows audio and any documents and other materials exchanged or viewed during the session to be recorded. You should inform all meeting attendees prior to recording if you intend to record the meeting. Please note that any such recordings may be subject to discovery in the event of litigation

2015 Oregon Noxious Weed List

Happy Oregon Invasive Weed Awareness Week!

Just in time for Oregon Invasive Weed Awareness Week… the new 2015 Oregon Noxious Weed list!

Oregon State Weed Board approved the updates to the 2015 Oregon Noxious Weed list.  Below is a summary of the changes-

“A” List

·      Add -  Ravenna Grass, Saccharum ravennae

·      Add – Cape ivy, Delairea odorata

·      Add – Common frogbit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae    

·      Add – West Indian spongeplant, Limnobium laevigatum

·      Add – Garden yellow loosestrife, Lysimachia vulgaris

·      Add – Water soldier, Stratiotes aloides 

·      Add  - Hoary Alyssum, Berteroa incana  

 “B” List   No changes

 “T” List

Add  - Water primrose, Ludwigia spp

Also changes have been made to the Noxious Weed list for the T listed weeds.  T species are now listed directly on the A or B listed weed pages.  T listed weeds no longer have their own list.  Check out our new list

A lot of work as gone into updating the Weed Distribution Maps for 2015, and all profiles have been added for all listed weeds. (Be patient with the profile list as some are slow to load as we work thru compressing the profiles.)  

Our new Noxious Weed Profiles are listed alphabetically.  If you want to change the view by A or B listed weeds you can click on Designation and you will get a drop down menu to filter list by just A or B listed weeds.  You can click on the profile name in blue for a  colror pdf of each listed weed. Check it out at -

The database is a huge project that we are working on finding better ways to display the information with our limited state templates.  

Enjoy your new information and if you have any questions or comments send them my way.

Happy Oregon Invasive Weed Awareness Week!     

Tristen Berg
Oregon State Weed Board Grant Program Coordinator 

Oregon Department of Agriculture

Boat infested with invasive mussels intercepted at Sylvan Lake

Boat infested with invasive mussels intercepted at Sylvan Lake

Published on: May 20, 2015

A boat overrun with invasive mussels was intercepted by Alberta’s watercraft inspectors before it made it into Sylvan Lake on the May long weekend.  It was discovered during one of the mandatory inspections, which started over the weekend on highways coming into Alberta and at lakes across the province.

“It was amazing,” said Cindy Sawchuk of Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development. “It’s scary, also.  “It had mussels on it.”  The owner, who had bought the boat in Ontario, was about to launch it at the Sunbreaker Cove launch at Sylvan Lake when they inspectors found the mussels.  Sawchuk said they found a total of seven “high-risk” boats, which either came from a mussel-contaminated province or state, looked dirty or slimy or had standing water after being in a area with invasive mussels.  Three of those boats were given hot water washes to ensure they were not contaminated, she said.

Officials reminded Albertans to clean, drain and dry their boats to prevent the mussels from damaging Alberta’s aquatic ecosystems.  The invasive species — zebra and quagga mussels — are spreading throughout the western United States and Eastern Canada, making it as far west as Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba.

There’s no record of the non-native mussels in Alberta waterways, but several infested boats have been intercepted in the past couple of years.

It’s estimated it would cost about $75 million in annual losses if they were to establish themselves in Alberta’s lakes and rivers due to a drop in tourism dollars, as well as the potential to clog pipes and irrigation canals throughout the province.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Seattle Training Session: 2015 Early Detection, Reporting and Identification of Invasive Plants

2015 Early Detection, Reporting and Identification of Invasive Plants Seattle Training Session

***Last Training for 2015!***

Seattle, WA                Wednesday, June 24th; 9:00am-12:00pm

Address: Center for Urban Horticulture, UW Botanic Gardens in the Douglas Research Conservatory, 3501 NE 41st St., Seattle, WA 98105. Parking is free in the E16 parking lot just outside the Douglas Research Conservatory.

Co-Hosted by: Sasha Shaw, King County Noxious Weed Control Program and Carrie Schreiber, Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. This is a joint training for the Upper Snoqualmie/Alpine Lakes Wilderness Weed Watchers and the PNW-IPC EDRR program.

To register please contact Julie Combs at or call 615‐812‐5295 to reserve your place!  ***Participants can receive WDSA pesticide license recertification credits (2 credits)


About the Program

The Pacific Northwest Invasive Plant Council (PNW-IPC) is a non-profit conservation organization ( working in partnership with the USDA Forest Service, Washington Dept. of Agriculture (WSDA), Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and other state and local groups on a Citizen Science EDRR (Early Detection Rapid Response) program. With funding from the National Forest Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the WSDA, we are gearing up for our fourth year to search for priority and newly emerging invasive plants in our National Forests, National Parks and other public lands. We are excited to recruit new volunteers and inspire our current volunteer base to search for invasive plant populations. We have identified specific focal areas to survey for invasive plants on National Forests and Parks, DNR and other state land but there is a great need to document emerging invasive populations on all public lands. If you are recreating and/or working on public lands and are interested in participating in our program, you are invited to attend one of our upcoming trainings.  


Citizen Science EDRR Volunteer Training

Our mission is to train citizens to identify a suite of invasive plants in a free training where you will learn how to identify priority invasive species and how to record basic data regarding problematic invasive plants. Participants learn plant identification through a PowerPoint presentation, herbarium sheet specimens and live material. Participants also learn methods of manual removal and which species you should not attempt to remove. Trainings will equip volunteers with the knowledge necessary to conduct invasive plant surveys in order to support local land managers that need your help. Your efforts will directly support the maintenance of heathy ecosystems. Volunteers will receive an invasive plant identification booklet along with survey forms. We hope that volunteers who sign up will conduct 1-2 surveys over the 2015 field season.     


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bamboo Control

Here is an UF/IFAS Extension publication on bamboo control:


Karen Brown
University of Florida/IFAS
Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants

 - and -

Florida and Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Councils (FLEPPC | SE-EPPC)

7922 NW 71st Street | Gainesville FL   32653
352-273-3667 |

Monday, May 18, 2015

Plants and Pollinators with Author & Scientist Dr. Stephen Buchmann

June 9, 2015 - 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm ET
In anticipation of National Pollinator Week, June 15-21, join renowned author Dr. Stephen Buchmann for a memorable conversation about pollinators and the plants to which they are intimately linked. Dr. Buchmann first called our attention to the world of pollinators through his book "The Forgotten Pollinators" and will share his stunning photos, scientific knowledge, and engaging stories as he previews his latest book, "The Reason for Flowers.
Dr. Buchmann, International Director, Pollinator Partnership, is perhaps the world's foremost authority on native and honey bees, and plant/pollinator interactions. His research interests include native bee nesting behavior, conservation biology and pollination ecology, especially buzz pollination. 
Course highlights
  • Learn about the fascinating and complex world of pollination
  • Get an update on the current state of pollinators
Questions? Contact Thelma Redick
What's being said about the Conservation Academy
"The DuPont Fayetteville Works Wildlife Enhancement Team has registered for each of the Conservation Academy online courses that have been offered.  We have been able to glean something useful from each of these presentations."
Deborah Tutts, Area Reliability Engineer & Wildlife Enhancement team member, DuPont, Fayetteville Works, NC 


Cal-IPC Symposium

Abstract deadline June 15!
Cal-IPC Symposium
October 28-31, 2015 - San Diego Convention Center
Abstract submission is open for papers and posters through June 15! Sessions will be Thursday and Friday, October 29 and 30.

Click here for submission instructions

Share your work with 300 land managers and researchers! The Cal-IPC Symposium welcomes papers and posters covering diverse aspects of invasive plant biology and control, as well as related topics of interest to those working in land stewardship. This year we are especially seeking presentations on:
  • Tools and Techniques for Management
  • Meeting Eradication Goals
  • New Research on Invasive Plants
  • Weeds of the Desert and Baja California
  • Programs to Learn From
  • Stopping the Next Invaders
  • Weeds of the Desert and Baja California
Contributed papers selected for oral presentation receive a 20-minute time slot. Our designated poster session gives attendees time to engage with poster presenters. Graduate students, undergraduates, and recent graduates should consider entering our Student Paper and Poster Contest!


Registration Opens in June!
Join us in San Diego for our 24th Annual Symposium! We have a discounted (state gov't rate) room block at the Sofia Hotel in the historic Gaslamp Quarter.

In addition to our usual thought-provoking sessions, the 2015 Symposium also features special parallel sessions on Habitat Conservation Planning and Landscape-Level Invasive Plant Management designed for environmental planners.

We will apply for continuing education credit from the Cal. Dept. of Pesticide Regulation.

JOIN the Invasive Plant Impact Network

Dear Ecologgers,

We are recruiting new members to join our growing globally distributed experiment to study the ecological impacts of invasive plants. We have developed a flexible protocol adaptable to most systems. We have members in several countries working on a variety of species. The Global Invader Impact Network (GIIN) is encouraging new members to expand our network. The protocol is simple and relatively inexpensive.

We have a paper in press that details GIIN and the protocol. Basic requirements include comparing plots inside an invasion to an adjacent uninvaded area (that has never been invaded, but is susceptible to invasion). Additional plots include removing the invader (but this is optional). Thus, we can compare invaded, uninvaded, and invader removal plots. We record basic plant community and soil metrics, with additional optional metrics.

Some additional details can be found at <>


- Quantify broad ecological impacts of invasive plant by implementing a globally distributed experiment requiring minimal investment of resources by each network participant.

- Collect data from a broad range of species, systems, and geographies in a consistent manner to identify trends or idiosyncratic patterns of ecological impact.


1.     Identify the ecological impact(s) of invasive populations across diverse ecosystems, species, and geographies;

2.     Determine if impacts are consistent (or idiosyncratic) among species and systems;

3.     Determine if impacts are constant over time?

4.     Identify if a legacy of ecological impacts exists, and is this legacy consistent among species and systems?

If you are interested in joining please contact me and I can send you the protocol and additional details.


Jacob Barney, PhD
Assistant Professor of Invasive Plant Ecology
Department of Plant Pathology, Physiology, and Weed Science
Virginia Tech
435 Old Glade Rd (0330)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
540.231.6323 <> <>

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tropical Soda Apple biocontrol success wins national award

UF/IFAS Extension program to control Tropical Soda Apple earns national award:

The National Fish Habitat Partnership has unveiled its list of 10 “Waters to Watch” for 2015

Contact: Ryan Roberts<>

2015 “Waters to Watch” Provide Community, Economic Benefit

9th year of partnership campaign highlights an array of conservation practices across the U.S.

(Washington, DC) - The National Fish Habitat Partnership (<>) has unveiled its list of 10 “Waters to Watch” for 2015, a collection of rivers, streams, estuaries, lakes and watershed systems that will benefit from strategic conservation efforts to protect, restore or enhance their current condition. These voluntary, locally-driven projects represent conservation actions in progress implemented under the National Fish Habitat Partnership by 19 regional Fish Habitat Partnerships throughout the country.

The conservation actions implemented through these projects are designed to conserve freshwater, estuarine and marine habitats essential to the many fish and wildlife species that call these areas home.  These examples of conservation have been fundamental to the overall success of the National Fish Habitat Partnership since 2006.

Throughout the year, these projects will demonstrate how conservation efforts are reversing persistent declines in our nation’s aquatic habitats. Having featured 90 partnership projects since 2007, these “Waters to Watch” are proving that science-based on-the-ground conservation efforts are truly making a difference in improving fish habitat across the United States.

“Success in conservation often doesn’t happen overnight,” said Kelly Hepler, Chair of the National Fish Habitat Board. “We are highlighting these projects today with both long and short-term goals in mind. We are working through our regional partnerships in an effort to conserve these great waterways, and reverse declines in suitable fish habitat. In our 9th year of this annual campaign, we are beginning to see many of our previous projects named to this list making a real difference. For our 10th Anniversary of the “Waters to Watch” in 2016, we will highlight some of these dynamic past projects that are making a positive impact both regionally and nationally.”

People interested in learning more about the National Fish Habitat Partnership and partner projects happening across the U.S. can find out more information on how to get involved on our Partnerships Page;

The 2015 “Waters to Watch” list and associated Fish Habitat Partnerships:

1)         Alexander Creek Watershed, AK
    Partnership: Mat-Su Basin Salmon Habitat Partnership

Objective: Project goals are to restore Alexander Creek drainage Chinook salmon numbers in what was previously very productive habitat and a vibrant fishery. Partners are working to do this through large scale invasive pike removal and monitoring, as well as detection, education and eradication of Alaska's first invasive aquatic plant Elodea.

2)         Kasilof and Anchor River Watersheds, AK
     Partnership: Kenai Peninsula Fish Habitat Partnership

Objective: The Kenai Peninsula Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project will help restore physical and biological processes within the Kasilof and Anchor River Watersheds in order to contribute to a healthy, productive and biologically diverse ecosystem for the benefit of injured species and services. The project will eliminate four barriers to aquatic species passage on the Anchor and Kasilof Rivers.

3)         Kilchis Estuary, OR
    Partnership:  Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership

Objective: Restore freshwater and tidal connections, provide off-channel rearing habitat for salmonids, and restore historic spruce swamp habitat. The site provides habitat for coho, Chinook and chum salmon, steelhead and cutthroat trout as well as a myriad of other wetland species, including colonial nesting waterbirds, migrating waterfowl, juvenile marine fishes and resident mammals.


4)         Lake Livingston, TX

     Partnership: Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership

Objective: The overall goal of the project is to reestablish Lake Livingston as a destination for anglers and other outdoor recreationists. As such, the project has support from a host of community leaders. A dedicated core group of volunteer leaders are in place to ensure that the project continues to move forward garnering additional local support along the way.

5)         Lower Heeia Stream Habitat Improvement Project, Oahu (HI)

Partnership: Hawaii Fish Habitat Partnership

Objective: This project will restore native vegetation in the tidally influenced portion of Heeia Stream and its adjacent estuary. Project implementation will involve removal of a large stand of invasive riparian trees, followed by soil preparation, erosion control and riparian forest restoration using native plant species.

6)         Mill Creek Restoration, WV

    Partnership: Eastern Brook Trout Joint Venture

Objective: The WV Division of Natural Resources (WVDNR) is mitigating the negative impacts of Super Storms that occurred in 2012 on Mill Creek, WV, one of the state’s four intact brook trout populations, by implementing a strategic Large Woody Material “chop and drop” program within Kumbrabow State Forest, which encompasses approximately 6 stream miles.  This project is being completed utilizing the principles of natural stream restoration to place, and in some instances modify and anchor, currently hanging trees in the stream as habitat for fish.
7)         Pinole Creek, CA

    Partnership: California Fish Passage Forum|

Objective: The purpose of this project is to restore access to the upper reaches of Pinole Creek for the current population of Central California Coast Steelhead by modifying the existing box culverts where Pinole Creek passes under Interstate Highway 80 (I-80).  Habitat assessments conducted on Pinole Creek in 2009 indicate sufficient habitat to support anadromous steelhead spawning and rearing if passage issues at the I-80 culvert are remedied. This project will improve access to nearly 7 miles of documented quality steelhead spawning and rearing habitat on the main stem of Pinole Creek.

8)         Shoshone Springs Pupfish Habitat Project, CA
Partnership: Desert Fish Habitat Partnership

Objective: The project secured the existence of Shoshone pupfish in their native range far into the future, and will educate the public about their importance.  The project quadrupled the habitat area occupied by endemic Shoshone pupfish, benefiting the entire known population in the one spring, springbrook, and spring supported riparian system where they naturally occur.

9)         Sun Creek, OR

    Partnership: Western Native Trout Initiative

Objective:  To reestablish redband trout and migratory populations of bull trout to Sun Creek through improved connectivity, habitat quality and stream and riparian function. Due to poor connectivity between Sun Creek and the Wood River, overall habitat degradation, and interactions with non-native salmonids, redband trout were extirpated from Sun Creek and bull trout populations were restricted to a short headwater reach. Similar to other Cascade tributaries in the Upper Klamath Basin, Sun Creek likely supported widespread and abundant populations of both species.  Reconnecting Sun Creek to the Wood River will allow redband trout to recolonize Sun Creek and access high quality spawning and rearing habitat. It will also provide a migratory corridor for the isolated bull trout population to expand its range, occupy new habitat within Wood River watershed, and improve overall population resilience.

10)      Ulele Springs on the Hillsborough River, FL

    Partnership: Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership

Objective: The restored Ulele Springs is providing native wetland vegetation and provide habitat for fish and mammals.  To date, numerous native fish and wildlife has been observed within the basin, which is staring to mimic the anticipated species richness and diversity of a natural spring run entering an estuarine ecotone.

 For more information on project maps and descriptions of the 10 Waters to Watch list for 2015, Visit:


Visit the Waters to Watch Homepage for all of our projects from 2007-2015:


Visit, to use our interactive habitat data mapper, supported by USGS.




About the National Fish Habitat Partnership:


Since 2006, the National Fish Habitat Partnership has been a partner in 514 projects in 47 states benefiting fish habitat. The National Fish Habitat Partnership works to conserve fish habitat nationwide, leveraging federal, state, tribal, and private funding resources to achieve the greatest impact on fish populations through priority conservation projects. The national partnership implements the National Fish Habitat Action Plan and supports 19 regional grassroots partner organizations. For more information visit:




Ryan Roberts

National Fish Habitat Partnership Communications Coordinator Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies

444 N. Capitol St. NW (Suite 725)

Washington, DC 20001

O: 202.624.5851

C: 202.329.8882