Friday, November 3, 2017

New from Cal-IPC...

Announced at the Symposium: 
Glyphosate policy - Cal-IPC released a policy supporting the use of glyphosate-based herbicides for invasive plant management, developed by our Policy Task Force and Science Advisory Committee.
New website - Cal-IPC "soft" launched a new website. We will continue to add and organize resources over the winter months. The back-end database will help users better access resources from 25 years of Symposia and newsletters. 

"Watch" plants - Cal-IPC added 80+ plants to the Inventory under a new "Watch" category. These species are found in California natural areas (with a few exceptions) and have been assessed as high-risk for future invasiveness. Land managers should keep an eye out for signs of spread or impacts.  
California Invasive Plant Council, 1442-A Walnut St. #462, Berkeley, CA 94709

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