Friday, March 17, 2017

USDA Secretary confirmation hearing Thursday 23 March

Forest pest mavens,

the confirmation hearing for former Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue to be Secretary of Agriculture has been scheduled for 23 March - next Thursday.

Please contact your senators and ask them to ask Mr. Perdue how he will use USDA authorities to address invasive species - prevention, containment/eradication, management; research; restoration ... outreach to and collaboration with partners ...

I suggested a number of questions you might suggest in my blog of February 9 - available at   -- scroll down to the picture of Sonny Perdue (after my description of Interior Secretary Zinke's discussion of invasive species policies.

Your engagement is particularly important if one of your senators is on the Agriculture Committee.  You can find the committee members at

(MD & PA both have members on the Committee)

This is the best opportunity we will have to put invasive species on USDA leadership's agenda.  Please help!

Faith Campbell