Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cogongrass population locations

From: Alba,Christina [mailto:calba@ufl.edu]
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 5:28 PM
My name is Christina Alba. I’m a postdoc researcher at UF studying the ecology of cogongrass invasions in Florida. Although we all know that cogongrass is widespread and problematic, there is – surprisingly – very little field data on the environmental factors that determine its distribution and abundance. Such data would be highly valuable for understanding where and why it is likely to be invasive, and how to best manage invasions in various habitats.

To collect these types of data, people from our lab (headed by Dr. Luke Flory) will be surveying cogon populations across the state starting in May of this year. I need your help to locate cogon populations that have not been managed in the past two years and are far enough from roadsides that they are not repeatedly mowed or managed by roadside crews.

Do you have information on where I can find these types of populations? I’m happy to set up a time to talk and better explain the goals of the project and the types of populations I need to find.

Thanks for your time.

Christina Alba
