Monday, February 15, 2016

Chinese tallow webinar

My name is Dave Coyle, and I run the Southern Regional Extension Forestry Forest Health and Invasive Species program (  This program provides information and training for forest health/invasive species issues in southeastern forests, primarily geared toward state and county level extension folks (but available to anyone).  Part of this training includes a webinar series, and our upcoming webinar will be on Chinese tallow, and given by Dr. Lauren Pile (Clemson University).  The direct link is here:

I will be having other invasive plant webinars in the future, as I’m trying to have one webinar per month. 

Feel free to give me a call if you have any questions.

Dave Coyle

Dr. David R. Coyle
Extension Associate
Southern Regional Extension Forestry
University of Georgia
180 East Green Street
Athens, GA  30602
Phone:  706-542-3665
Fax:  706-542-8356