Monday, December 14, 2015

2016 FLEPPC Annual Conference.

The Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council invites abstract submissions for contributed oral and poster presentations for the 2016 FLEPPC Annual Conference. The conference will be held March 9th–11th at the Crowne Plaza Oceanfront in Melbourne, Florida. This year’s theme: Brown is the New GreenPlease see the attached Call for Abstracts.
Deadline for Abstract Submissions:  January 15th, 2016
Instructions for abstracts:
Abstracts should be 300 words or less, submitted using MS Word, and include the following information: 
·        Title of the proposed paper or poster
·        Full name and professional title of the author(s), affiliation, mailing address, phone number, and email address
·        If there are multiple authors, please provide full information for each
·        A short biography of the presenter (for introduction purposes)
·        Please see the attached Call for Abstracts for student competition instructions (cash prizes!)

Submit abstract to: Karen Brown, Program Chair, University of Florida/IFAS Center for Aquatic & Invasive Plants,
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be emailed to author(s) by January 22st, 2016.